5 Must-Haves for Your Handbag
Today I have decided to talk about 5 must-haves for your handbag, well this is for when you are going to work because you actually carry a handbag not a nappy bag with the things your baby will need or not.
I don’t usually carry a lot of stuff in my day to day bag. I am a pretty simple woman. Have always loved simple things and less baggage.

Lip Balm
Nobody loves dry and chapped lips that make you look like you are hungry. A simple lip balm really goes a long way. I actually make sure I never leave the house without.

Hand Lotion
Oh! Well, because all the washing of your hands after using the loo will leave your hands dry right. Also, moisturised hands don’t show your real age you get what I am saying.
Hand Sanitizer
You know those portable travel size bottles that can inside your bag. Don’t need to break the back getting expensive hand sanitizer store brand 50 ml will do. For Those days when you are out and about in the mall, lifts, and elevators.

Feminine Wipes
A pack of feminine wipes when you need to freshen up are a must have for every woman. I would advise on getting those flush able ones. When you feel clean you feel confident. To read about my favourite feminine wipes click here.
Pantyliners and Pads
This is a no brain if you still get a visit from red riding hood well, you need to be prepared because she has a way of showing up anywhere and anytime.
Better prepared than sorry. I always carry at least two of each they fit in a tiny vanity bag .

I always carry one just in case. Well, it also depends on the size of my handbag but those smalls cute ones that fit in a handbag they come handy.
So, ladies what is your 5 must haves in your handbags? Don’t be shy share with us in the comments below.
Until next time.

Diana Studer
Please don’t. Flush wipes. They are plastic and cause sewers to block.
If you must use plastic, bin it.
Try putting a wipe in a glass of water … does it disintegrate to shreds like toilet paper? No. Fatberg coming up.
Hi Diane
Thank you for the advise. Will look into that.
Thanks for reading.