5 Parenting Mistakes I Made in the Past Year
I had a baby 10 years after having my daughter and let just say the age gap can be difficult at times, because my daughter has been alone for the longest and I…
Amazing Year Of Being A Mom Of Two
Wow, a year ago I became a mom of two. I went into this thinking it was going to be a breeze raising my son like daughter. I was mistaken, I was very…
5 Ways to Avoid Online Distractions and focus on Parenting
Modern parenting is different to 10 years ago. When I had my daughter back in 2009 there was not a lot of online distractions like today. I came up with 5 ways to…
Pregnancy Announcement: Then we were four
The last time I was pregnant was nearly 10 years ago, I must say being older and pregnant, is a lot harder than when you are 24 years old. Here is our pregnancy…
How to Prepare Your Daughter for Their First Period
Trying to remember the first time I got my period and how it felt. Gosh starting to feel old. Being a mom of a girl especially when you start noticing things like breast…
7 Things Motherhood has Taught Me
Never wanted to be a mother it was not in my life plans, then I become a mother. Struggled to connect with my baby girl because she did not fit into the…
Trip to the Johannesburg Zoo
My family and I recently took a trip to the Johannesburg Zoo. Wow a lot has changed since I visited the Zoo . I was truly suprised to see how the Zoo has…
Mommy why don’t I have straight hair? Mixed Girl Problems
The other day my daughter asked me why she does not have straight hair like her other friends. Well I tried my best to explain to her that she is mixed –…
When are you having another child? I double dare you to ask me that again.
What’s with people asking you when are you having another child? I should have some t-shirts printed out with a slogan WHEN ARE YOU HAVING ANOTHER CHILD? I DOUBLE DARE YOU TO ASK…
July highlights for Boomerang
The schools holidays are here and Boomerang has some amazing things in store for the little ones in July. So here are some July highlights for Boomerang to entertain the little ones,…