Dove’s Beauty Legacy Campaign
The way a girl feels about beauty,starts with the way you feel about yours” Dr Colinda Linde
I am so happy to have received the Beauty Legacy kit from Dove, this is really a good campaign beauty starts with me so that my daughter can appreciate and love herself unconditionally. I am so looking forward to sharing the of self love with my daughter so that she can pass it on to her daughters, let it be a good chain reation of good self esteem.
Tips on how to use the Beauty Legacy is to write positive messages on the post it notes and put it in a jar and if you have a bad day reach into the jar and read positive notes you wrote. Better yet, put a positive note in your daughter’s lunch box to enlighten their day and put a smile on their face.
Dove has really thought about this campaign and launching it during the Womens Month is genius. There are so many things that I wish my young self knew. I am going to take the Beauty Legacy tips and start being positive around my daughter about everything.
Thank you Dove for such an inspirational and positive campaign. For more info about the campaign click here,I love the website it friendly and easy to navigate it has programmes and fun activities.
I totally recommend that you watch the video to see how the way the mothers feel about their bodies rubs off on their daughters, very touching and it has made me remember every bad thing I have said about my body in front on my daughter.
To watch the video visit the Dove South Africa here : Watch “Dove | Legacy” on YouTube –
The Blog Centre
Great Campaign – Thanks for linking up #ShowcasTuesday
Moipone Islam
Thank you for reading
Random Musings
Love this campaign, what a great message to send to young girls 🙂
Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes
Moipone Islam
Hi Debbie
Its amazing thank you very for reading