Turn your phone into a scanner with CamScanner
Have you ever needed to scan documents but you cannot reach a scanner at that given moment? No worries now you can turn your phone into a scanner with CamScanner.
I just discovered this app and I was skeptical, but oh boy I was truly impressed by the quality of the document after it has been processed.
CamScanner is available with two options of: free version with 200MB cloud space and Premium version has 10GB, you can pay monthly or yearly for the premium.
Download is available for Android, IPhone, IPad and Windows Phone 8.
You should really try it out for yourself, it’s amazing and I have not been so excited with an app in a while.
All you have to do is download CamScanner, take a picture of the document. Then the CamScanner automatically crops the picture and enhance the quality.
Below is pictures of the app in action.
Do you think the CamScanner is an excellent App?
Very interesting I’m forwarding to my Mum as yesterday she said that she needed something scanned
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Hi Sula
Your mom will find this App convenient.
Leanie Foot
I wish there was an App that are available for non Smart mobile phones for java enabled phones. Not everybody can have smartphones.
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Hi Leanie
I do understand what you mean, phones that have a camera but be able to use this app too.
Brittany W
This is really cool! I hate having to turn on the desktop computer and boot up the scanner. It’s so bulky and time consuming.
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Hi Britanny
Absolutely cool and saves time.
Hi Moipone! This was really interesting — so nice to hear of convenient new techie stuff. Happy weekend, and happy #weekendblogshare xoxo
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Totally convenient indeed?
Lucy | Real Mum Reviews
Great app! I’ve been known to just use camera before but this is much clearer!
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Hi Lucy
Absolutely clearer ☺
This is what I’ve been missing! I had a similar app on my old phone but forgot all about it. I’ll definitely be checking this one out 🙂
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Hi Rachel
Its worth checking out ?????
My Petit Canard
I downloaded an app very similar to this about two weeks ago and its been a revelation! I agree, such a handy thing to have on your phone. Thanks for sharing this on #MarvMondays. Emily
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Hi Emily
Trully handy indeed