Wanderlust Tag
I was tagged by the awesome Sara from inafricaandbeyond.com in the wanderlust tag. Being a travel addict, I couldn’t resist completing it of course.
So here goes,
1.Your most treasured passport stamp?
The only stamp that I have (hahahaha) North America Orlando Florida, planning to collect more stamps in the near future.
2.Can you recite your passport # (number) from memory if asked?
Oh wow you are making me feel bad, I don’t know it at all. (Feeling embarrassed)
3.Preferred method of travel: planes, trains or automobiles?
If it was possible to travel overseas with trains, I would be my first option. I really hate flying it really cold up there.
4.Top 3 travel items?
Visa Card
5.Hostel or hotel?
I love my privacy I prefer hotels from 4 star upwards. I need to feel home away from home and be able to sleep peacefully at night.
6.Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?
I am a new visitor, but I would love to visit many more places as possible, preferably every country that my South African passport allows me to visit without a visa.
7.Do you read up on your destination (culture, history, safety) or do you wing it?
Yes, I read a lot about my visit to Orlando, Florida I was obsessed daily. I will also read for my future travels
8. Favourite travel websites?
I use Travelstart to find the best affordable flights and I recently fell in love with Booking.com because you can book without paying a deposit and still cancel to the very last minute. TripAdvisor I love it for reading other traveler reviews about certain things to know what I am getting myself into.
9.Where would you recommend a friend to visit? Name city & why.
Being that I have only visited one place so far, I cannot currently recommend a city maybe in the next two years. (Fingers crossed)
10.You’re leaving tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going?
Oh my goodness Asia I love countries that have are exotic like Malaysia, Hong Kong, India, I love their interesting food, fashion and way of life.
I dream about visiting Turkey I just love the architecture it’s really interesting and then be off to Paris, Greece, Tahiti, Hawaii (Aloha) and oh my gosh I must see Rome.
Basically I want to go everywhere.
I tag the following bloggers to add fuel to my (wanderlust) fire:
Lindi from A well-heeled woman
Zaahirah from Complete Disbelief
This is an interesting tag! I could quote you my old passport number, it got a lot of use! This one, not so much…! #MarvMondays
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Hi Sarah
Really you must have used that passport to remember the number. Thank you for visiting:-)
I’ve never really travelled and sadly haven’t had the best experiences when I have but really need to give it another chance, there’s so much out there to see! Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Hi Kaye
Yes give it another try it might be different this time. 🙂
Sara Essop
Thanks for the mention Moipone. Here’s to many more years of happy travelling!
Moipone Tsoka- Islam
Hi Sara
My pleasure hear hear