The world has been flipped upside down because of the Coronavirus pandemic. As much as there world is in panic mode we must not forget to be grateful for the little things in life.
Let this pandemic that knows nor race or class be a lesson to us. March was so hectic at work. As I type this post I am trying to find at least 5 things I am grateful for from March.
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In March got to work with another brand for Instagram posts. I am grateful for the extra income and really appreciate it.
Secured My Website
I finally bought the SSL certificate with money that I made from another sponsored partnership. It was the greatest feeling ever.
Even though I suffer from Asthma and the past few weeks has been stressful. I am grateful to be still alive and to be with my children. I don’t take life for granted at all.
I pray for life more than anything lately since I had my son, because I feel life even though death is inevitable. I need to be hopeful for a longer life to see them grow.
Alongside Asthma, I have mental health issues depression and anxiety.
I have also been off my medication but since the lockdown, I have found ways to deal with these issues and keep myself calm.
Social Media
Even though somehow social media is a big part of our lives these days, in the past I found myself comparing myself with other people who have a perfectly curated feed.
For some reason since the Coronavirus outbreak I just don’t give a damn.
I am also not posting everything in order to keep up or grow my number, because there are more important things in life.
What are you grateful for from March?